One that insures , especially an insurance underwriter 保险人提供保险者,特别是保险商
Macao confederation insurance underwriters 港安保险
Next were accountants and insurance underwriters , both on 10 per cent 会计和保险承保人的这一比例位居其后,均为10 % 。
Ace insurance limited is the insurance underwriter of " american express travel protection plan " and is solely responsible for all coverage and compensation 安达保险有限公司为本计划之承保人,全面负责一切保障及赔偿事宜。
Some of his descendants eventually became insurance underwriters , offering to ease the sting of droughts and storms for a fee 后来,穴居人的子孙中的一部分变成了保险承保人,为干旱和暴雨提供保险,减轻受害人因此受到的伤害,并同时赚取一定的费用。
Zurich insurance company is the insurance underwriter of american express supreme motor insurance plan , and is solely responsible for all coverage and compensation 苏黎世保险为美国运通supreme汽车保障计划划之承保公司,全面负责一切保障及赔偿事宜。
The legal profession had the worst result , with almost 16 per cent reporting symptoms of clinical depression . next were accountants and insurance underwriters , both on 10 per cent 法律行业的情况更糟糕,近16 %的人称自己有临床抑郁症的症状。会计和保险承保人的这一比例位居其后,均为10 % 。